

The Automatic Vauxhall Mokka is a stylish and efficient car that offers a smooth and comfortable driving experience. With its sleek design and advanced technology, it is perfect for both city streets and long journeys. The automatic transmission allows for effortless shifting and... Read more

  • Contrast Grey Contrast Grey
  • 0 0 miles
  • Electric Electric
  • Automatic Automatic
  • 0.00 0.00cc
  • 5 5 Doors

The vehicle data displayed highlights the typical specification of the most recent model of this vehicle. This specification is sourced from leading industry suppliers Autotrader. We offer this information in good faith however cannot guarantee the accuracy of any specification/information supplied by 3rd party providers. The specification can vary. You must physically check the specification of the vehicle on site prior to purchase. The specification & features on this website do not form part of the buying contract

What the Experts Say

The 2024 Vauxhall Mokka offers a stylish and sophisticated design, with a comfortable and spacious interior. Its advanced technology features, such as the 10-inch infotainment screen and wireless smartphone charging, make it a joy to drive. The efficient hybrid engine also provides a smooth and responsive performance on the road. -

With its bold exterior and refined interior, the 2024 Vauxhall Mokka stands out in the competitive SUV market. Its hybrid engine provides excellent fuel efficiency and its advanced safety features, including automatic emergency braking, make it a safe choice for families. The smooth and quiet ride also adds to the overall appeal of this car. -

The 2024 Vauxhall Mokka is a game-changer in the compact SUV category. Its stunning design, spacious cabin, and efficient hybrid engine make for a fantastic driving experience. The pull-away torque from the electric motor is impressive and the smooth handling and responsive steering make it a joy to drive on both short and long journeys. -

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